Admissions Forms


The following forms should be submitted to:

Los Angeles Trade-Technical College
Admissions & Records
400 W. Washington Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90015

Student Forms

PDF fillable files (Please download)

NOTE: All petitions must be sent to @email

Academic Petition PDF

Students looking to repeat a course fourth time, substitute credit for a course, request more units, requesting except of standard college policy may fill out this form. The form must be signed by a counselor then turned in to Admissions office.

Administrative Petition PDF

Students may submit a petition to have their academic record reviewed for academic renewal action of substandard academic performance (less than ‘C’). The form must be signed by a counselor then turned in to the Admissions Office.

Reinstatement Petition PDF

A student who has been dismissed may request reinstatement after two semesters have elapsed. The student shall submit a written petition requesting reinstatement in compliance with College procedures.

(More About Petitions)

AB 540 Affidavit California Nonresident Tuition Exemption Application PDF

Students who meet the requirements for AB 540 status must fill out and submit the form to Admissions and Records office prior to the start of their semester.

Nonresident Tuition Fee Waiver PDF

Students who are citizens and residents of a foreign country, are legally precluded from establishing residency in California, shall be entitled to exemption from nonresident fees. Submit form to Admissions and Records office prior to start of semester.

Supplementary Residency Questionnaire PD

If you have not been in CA for more than a year and a day, you may still qualify for either residency classification, or a tuition fee waiver under one of the following special exceptions provided by law.

Academic Renewal PDF

Academic Renewal is a LACCD policy that allows students to remove substandard grades (e.g., “D,” “F”) from their GPA. The alleviation of previous substandard coursework helps students who have demonstrated improved academic performance in their efforts to help facilitate transfer, degree and certificate completion, and removal from academic probation or academic disqualification.

Credit by Examination PDF

Credit by Examination allows students that demonstrate a proficiency in the subject matter to receive credit for a course via an examination process administered by the Academic department over the subject.

Excused Withdrawal Petition PDF

Excused Withdrawal (EW) is withdrawal from a course after the final drop deadline when extenuating circumstances (accidents, illness, or others beyond your control) prevent you from completing it. To request EW, complete and submit this form to Admissions and Records.

Grade Challenge Petition PDF

The removal or change of an incorrect grade from a student’s record shall only be done upon authorization by the instructor of the course. Grade change petitions must be submitted within one year after the grade was assigned.


The Pass/ No Pass grading system shall be used in any course in which their is a single satisfactory standard of performance for which unit credit is assigned.

Petition to select course to be taken on a pass/no pass basis PDF

Students may fill out this form for clearance of a Prerequisite / Co-Requisite Clearance Form.

Prerequisite / Co-Requisite Clearance Form PDF

Students may fill out this form to challenge a Prerequisite / Co-Requisite Challenge Form.

Prerequisite/Co-Requisite Challenge Form PDF

College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP)

Supplemental Application for Admission of Students in Grades K-12

Supplemental Application for anyone who is a student in grades K-12 and has met LACCD's admissions requirements. 

High School Grad Update Form PDF

For concurrently enrolled high school student with an upcoming graduation date, complete the form and return it to Admissions and Records office.

LATTC Concurrent High School Supplemental Enrollment Form PDF

K-12 students must fill out this form every semester to be eligible to take courses at LATTC - to be filled out by the student and/or parent or guardian.

K-12 Special Petition

Petition to take classes while attending middle school or high school.

Online Transcript Request

Transcript Request PDF
Student may download and fill out this for transcript request. Students may also request their transcripts online.

CSU Crossenroll Form PDF

Online Verification of Enrollment Request

Verification of Enrollment Form PDF

Students may request a Verification of Enrollment form from Admissions and Records. The form will be processed in five working days.

Certification of Homeless Status PDF

Certification of Homeless Status

Change of Home College Form PDF

LATTC must obtain a written consent from student before releasing the educational records of the student to a third party. Students must fill out this form completely.

Consent Form to Release Information PDF

You may update your address, emergency contact information, and more.

Student Information Change PDF