Priority Registration
Effective Fall 2014, first time non-exempt students seeking priority registration shall be required to:
- Identify a course of study
- Participate in the assessment process
- Complete an orientation activity provided by the college and
- Participate in counseling, advising, or educational planning service to develop, at a minimum, an abbreviated student education plan.
Effective Fall 2015 all new non-exempt students shall complete 1-4 above
Effective Fall 2015, all new non-exempt students shall develop a comprehensive education plan after completing 15 units of degree applicable course work or prior to the third semester of enrollment whichever comes first. Failure to comply with the requirements above may result in a hold on the student's registration and or loss of registration priority until the services are completed.
Registration Priority:
New and fully matriculated students as follows:
- Members of the armed forces or veterans pursuant to Education Code 66025.8
- Cal WORKS recipients in good standing with fewer than 100 degree applicable units
- Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSP&S) students in good standing with fewer than 100 degree applicable units
- Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOP&S) students in good academic standing with fewer than 100 degree applicable units and
- Foster youth or former foster youth pursuant to Education code section 66025.9 regardless of academic standing and units taken.
Continuing students in good standing with fewer than 100 degree-applicable units; middle college students in good standing with fewer than 100 degree applicable units; new, fully matriculated students; returning exempt students and new students who are exempt from matriculation.
Students with the exception of foster youth or former foster youth will lose registration priority at the first available registration after:
- They are placed on academic or progress probation, or any combination thereof, for two consecutive terms.
- Have earned one hundred (100) or more degree-applicable nits in the District; however, non-degree applicable basic skills do not count toward the 100 units.
Special K-12 students pursuant to Education code section 76001.
To be eligible for registration priority as listed above students must have completed the O+A+C (orientation, assessment and developed student education plans).
Appealing Loss of Registration Priority:
Each college shall establish a Registration Appeals Committee to review requests from students appealing the loss of enrollment priority. College shall inform students of the appeals process and the time period by which appeals must be submitted. A student may appeal on one or more of the following grounds:
- The student has extenuating circumstances. Extenuating circumstances are verified cases of accidents, illnesses or other circumstances beyond the student’s control.
- The student applied for reasonable accommodation for a disability; but did not receive it in a timely manner.
- The student demonstrated significant academic improvement. A significant academic improvement is defined as achieving no less than a 2.0 grade point average in the prior term.
The college’s Registration Priority Appeals Committee shall notify the student within ten (10) business days of its decision. The decision of the college Registration Priority Appeals committee shall be final.
Exemption Criteria for Student Success and Support Services:
- The student has completed and Associate Degree or Higher
- Student has enrolled at the college solely to take a course that is legally mandated for employment or necessary in response to a significant change in industry or licensure standards or
- Has enrolled at the college as a Special Admit student.
Any student exempted in accordance with this section shall be notified that he or she is exempted from participating in all or part of the matriculation process and shall be given an opportunity to choose whether or not to participate.
Limitation on Enrollment:
All courses shall be open to enrollment; however, enrollment in specific courses or programs may be limited as follows:
- Students meeting prerequisites and co requisites established pursuant to Title 5, and Board Rule 8600.
- Health and safety considerations, facility limitations, faculty workload, the availability of qualified instructors, funding limitations, the constraints of regional planning or legal requirements imposed by statutes, regulations, or contracts. Fair and equitable procedures will be used for determining who may enroll in affected courses or programs. Such procedures shall be consistent with one or more of the following approaches:
- Limiting enrollment to a “first-come, first-served” basis or
- Limiting enrollment using a registration procedure authorized by Title 5, section 58108; or
- In the case of intercollegiate competition, honors courses, or public performance courses, allocating available seats to those students judged most qualified; or
- Limiting enrollment in one or more sections of course to a cohort of students enrolled in one or more other courses, provided however, that a reasonable percentage of all sections of the course do not have such restrictions.
- Students on probation or subject to dismissal, consistent with the provisions of Title 5, and Board Rule 8200 et seq., may be limited to enrollment in a total number of units or to selected courses, or required to follow a prescribed educational plan.
Challenges to Limitation on Enrollment:
A student may challenge an enrollment limitation on any of the following grounds:
- The enrollment limitation is either unlawfully discriminatory or is being applied in an unlawfully discriminatory manner;
- The District is not following its policy on enrollment limitations; or
- The basis upon which the District has established an enrollment limitation does not in fact exist.
- The student shall bear the burden of showing that grounds exist for the challenge. Challenges shall be addressed within 5 working days and, if the challenge is upheld, the enrollment limitation shall be waived.