Prerequisite Clearances

PLEASE CHECK YOUR CLASSES CAREFULLY! Prerequisites/Co-requisites are strictly enforced at Los Angeles Trade-Technical College. Courses taken out-of-state must be reviewed by the department chair for approval - please submit course descriptions and official transcripts to the Assessment Center located in Student Support Center, D3-01.

Prerequisite Policy

Many courses listed in the class schedule will indicate suggested prerequisite, co-requisite/concurrent enrollment or recommended preparation/advisory listed after the name of the course. These recommendations were made after careful consideration by the faculty of that department. The Los Angeles Community College District has adopted a policy based upon a model developed by the State Chancellor's Task Force in conjunction with the State Academic Senate and Chief Instructional Officers and based upon Title V Article 2.5 Section 55200 and Article 4 Section 55530 of the Matriculation Regulations. In other words, your success is our primary goal.

  • A prerequisite is a condition that a student has to meet prior to enrolling in the class. Completion of the prerequisite demonstrates that you are ready and able to succeed in the course you want to take. A prerequisite is usually either another course, or a specific test score on a standardized test.
  • Co-requisite is a course that must be taken at the same time as the course you want to take.
  • Advisory or recommended preparation means that you are advised, but not required, to have taken the course(s) or met the test scores before enrolling in the class.

How do I clear a prerequisite?

Courses taken within LACCD with a grade of “C” or better

Complete and turn in a Prerequisite / Co-Requisite Clearance Form; to the Assessment Center

Courses taken at another California community college or university

Complete and turn in a Prerequisite / Co-Requisite Clearance Form to the Assessment Center with official transcripts or unofficial transcripts + transcript receipt order

Courses taken at a private, or
out-of-state college/university

Complete and turn in a Prerequisite / Co-Requisite Clearance Form to the Assessment Center with official transcripts or unofficial transcripts + transcript receipt order + Course descriptions

Take a Challenge exam

Take a test-known as a challenge exam-to show that you have the knowledge and skills necessary to prepare you for the course you want to take. Please submit your challenge exam one month prior to the start of the term that you plan to take the course.

More information on the Challenge Process/Prerequisites process

Placement process

If the course you want to take requires a placement as a prerequisite, you can visit the assessment center for assistance. You can also bring in official placements (taken within the last two years) from another college for review.

AP Scores

AP Scores of 3, 4, or 5 can be used to meet certain course requirements. Complete and turn in a Prerequisite / Co-Requisite Clearance Form; to the Assessment Center and provide a copy of your AP score report and a receipt as proof that you have sent your official scores to the Admissions & Records office.

Note: your prerequisite form must be submitted at least 10 days prior to the start of the semester.

If you have any questions or need more information, please contact the Assessment Center at (213) 763-5339 - located in Student Support Center, D3-01