Los Angeles Trade Technical Free Speech Areas and Campus Access
Administrative Regulation B-38 (LACCD Website)
Voluntary Acknowledgement Form
Voluntary Acknowledgement Form LATTC Free Speech Policy and Admin. Reg. B-38
Education Code Section 76120 requires the Board of Trustees to adopt rules and regulations relating to the exercise of free expression by students upon the premises of each Community College campus. This section requires that these rules and regulations include provisions for the time, place, and manner for conducting free speech activities. The Board of Trustees has delegated to the Chancellor the responsibility for developing and implementing the required free speech rules and regulations on each LACCD campus.
The Chancellor, or his/her designee, shall work with each College President to identify campus areas available for student expressive activity and to develop the required time, place and manner regulations applicable to the exercise of free expression by students. In addition, the College President at each College shall identify a portion of his/her college campus as a Free Speech Area(s), and develop appropriate regulations to govern the use of such area(s). The identified Free Speech Area(s) is/are areas available to all persons for First Amendment activities, including the distribution of free literature or materials, and obtaining petition signatures.
The purpose of these regulations is to foster free speech, assembly, and other expressive activities, while addressing the need of each Community College campus to make necessary arrangements to assure that such activities do not interfere with the College's mission and operations or with the rights of others. Accordingly, these regulations are intended to facilitate peaceable assembly, the expression of ideas and opinions, and the distribution of materials, while ensuring the safe, orderly and peaceful flow of College business and activities.
Each campus shall have copies of this Administrative Regulation, copies of the campus time, place and manner regulation, and copies of the campus map identifying the FSA(s) and areas available for student expressive activity on hand at all times. Copies of this Administrative Regulation, the campus map, and the campus regulation shall be provided to persons seeking to use these areas.
II. Accessing the Free Speech Area(s)
The location of the Free Speech Area(s) on each College campus is/are identified on the College's campus map. The Office of Student Services, or similar office, is also identified on the campus map. A copy of the campus map is available online on each College's website.
Any visitor (defined as any persons unaffiliated with LACCD) seeking access to a College's Free Speech Area(s) shall first report his/her/their presence to the Office of Student Services, or similar office, identified on the campus map. The visitor or organization representative shall be provided: 1) a copy of this Administrative Regulation; 2) a copy of the campus time, place, and manner regulation; and 3) a copy of the campus map. The visitor or organization representative shall be asked to complete the attached “Voluntary Acknowledgement Form.” Representatives of organizations will also be asked to identify the organization and indicate the number of persons expected to visit the Free Speech Area(s).
Completing the “Voluntary Acknowledgement Form” is completely voluntary. No person or organization will be denied access to the FSA(s) for refusing to complete the “Voluntary Acknowledgement Form.” The form is not a permit to use a Free Speech Area. The information provided on the form will be used to document your presence on campus, assess the need for security, and address capacity issues and overcrowding.
The Los Angeles Community College District does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admissions or access to, or treatment of or employment in, its programs or activities.
Requests for alternate formats can be made by contacting the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, 770 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90017, Tel: (213) 891-2315, Fax: (213) 891-2295, and email: Diversity-Programs@email.laccd.edu.
Los Angeles Trade Technical College Free Speech Areas
Time, Place, and Manner Regulation
The Los Angeles Trade Technical College Free Speech Area(s) is/are identified on the attached campus map.
The use of the campus Free Speech Area(s) is subject to the following restrictions:
The Free Speech Area(s) is/are open from 8:30 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday. If deemed necessary, the College President, or designee, may impose additional reasonable time limits in order to ensure equal access to all wishing to use the Free Speech Area(s).
The Free Speech Area(s) is/are the space(s) identified on the attached campus map. The College President, or designee, may expand or relocate the Free Speech Area(s), or may open additional temporary space(s), as he/she may deem necessary.
- There are no restrictions on the subject matter or viewpoint that may be expressed by users.
- Persons using the Free Speech Area(s) shall not:
- Use any means of amplification.
- Physically touch, strike, batter, or assault any person
- Impede the progress of passersby
- Undertake any activity that substantially disrupts the orderly operation, or substantially interferes with the education activities, of the College
- Use speech or expression which is obscene according to current legal standards
- Engage in illegal activities or activities which violate LACCD or campus rules
- Solicit donations of money or solicit or conduct any sale or business of any kind, except as otherwise provided in any applicable Board Rules or administrative regulations.
- All persons who distribute materials, such as circulars, leaflets, petitions, and other printed matter shall not litter. All persons are encouraged to remove or properly discard any materials that were not removed or discarded in an appropriate receptacle in or around the areas used for expressive activities prior to their departure from the College that day.
- All persons who wish to use a table or place any large object in and around the Free Speech Area(s), must obtain permission from the Office of Student Life or the Office of the Vice President Student Services only to ensure that the placement of the table or large object will not obstruct the areas’ use
- The Office of Student Life or the Office of the Vice President of Student Services should be notified at least five (5) business days in advance if the expressive activities are anticipated to require security, impede pedestrian traffic, pose a substantial risk of disrupting the functioning of the College, or draw a crowd of at least fifty (50) people. Prior notice is requested to ensure: there is sufficient space for the large group event, the large group event does not conflict with any other scheduled use of the space, there are sufficient resources available for crowd control and security, and there is continued access to the Mall. If such advance notice is not feasible because of circumstances that could not be reasonably anticipated, such as because of very recent or still-unfolding news developments, the person or group should provide the Office of Student Life or the Office of the Vice President of Student Services with as much advance notice as circumstances reasonably permit.
- No unauthorized vehicles are allowed on or around the Free Speech Areas
Los Angeles Trade Technical College Student Free Speech Areas
Time, Place, and Manner Regulation
The Los Angeles Trade Technical College Student Speech Areas are identified on the attached campus map.
Student Speech Areas are accessible to students and are intended for student use for expressive activity. Use by students of Student Free Speech Areas are in addition to student access to campus facilities through other applicable procedures.
The use of the campus Student Speech Areas is subject to the following restrictions:
The Student Free Speech Areas are open from 8:30 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday. If deemed necessary, the College President, or designee, may impose additional reasonable time limits in order to ensure equal access to all wishing to use the Student Free Speech Areas, and to minimize disruption of educational activities if occurring in or near an area identified for Student Speech.
The Student Free Speech Areas are the spaces identified on the attached campus map. Any speech activity in these Areas must be at least 25 feet from the buildings, to permit reasonable ingress and egress to and from the buildings, and to avoid disruption from noise of ongoing business inside the buildings. The College President, or designee, may expand or relocate the Student Free Speech Areas, or may open additional temporary space(s), as he/she may deem necessary, to minimize disruption of educational activities on campus.
- There are no restrictions on the subject matter or viewpoint that may be expressed by users.
- Students may distribute non-commercial materials only via hand-to-hand distribution and may solicit signatures for petitions in a similar manner.
Persons using the Student Free Speech Areas shall not:
- Use any means of amplification. Noise levels may not interfere with classes, meetings, quiet areas reserved for study such as libraries, or other College activities.
- Physically touch, strike, batter, or assault any person
- Impede the progress of passersby.
- Undertake any activity that substantially disrupts the orderly operation, or materially interferes with the education activities, of the College.
- Use speech or expression which is obscene according to current legal standards.
- Engage in illegal activities or activities which violate LACCD or College rules.
- Solicit donations of money or solicit or conduct any sale or business of any kind, except as otherwise provided in any applicable Board Rules or administrative regulations.
- Set up tables or other physical structures.
- All persons who distribute materials, such as circulars, leaflets, petitions, and other printed matter shall not litter. All persons are encouraged to remove or properly discard any materials that were not removed or discarded in an appropriate receptacle in or around the areas used for expressive activities prior to their departure from the College that day. Demonstrations, picketing, marches, and similar activity should be held in the Free Speech Areas or in another location secured via applicable procedures for student access to campus facilities.