LATTC Campus Overlooking the City

Office of Pathways and Innovation

PI focuses on the development and management of ground-breaking pathway innovations, workforce development, and educational/community partnerships. IIE is also responsible for collection, analysis, and dissemination of data and institutional research.

Our overarching goal is to enhance and support the college's organizational efficiency and capacity for innovation by:

  1. Developing, strengthening and expanding innovative pathway programs and activities that reduce the time to completion, the cost of attendance and enrich overall student success.
  2. Establishing programs and supports for academically under-prepared students, English Language Learners, and other non-traditional college students with barriers to success.
  3. Developing and implementing CTE career pathways, in partnership with K-12, Adult Ed and community-based organizations.
  4. Managing existing and seeking additional external grants and other funding (local, state, federal, foundation and corporate grants, awards and allocations) to increase opportunities for the development, enrichment and scaling of LATTC pathway innovations.
  5. Creating and supporting ongoing, systematic processes and policies that improve institutional effectiveness of the college and its pathways.
  6. Compiling, analyzing and disseminating institutional and program data to enhance and support teaching, learning and decision-making.
  7. Creating and promoting professional development opportunities for faculty, staff and administrators to enrich their professional knowledge, competencies, skills, and effectiveness.

Office Hours and Location

Administration/Services Building, E5-519


Phone: (213) 763-7071