Avanza Los Angeles (ALAS)

Avanza Los Angles was founded as an initiative of Los Angeles Trade-Tech College (LATTC) to offer classes in Spanish in the construction trade to a small group of immigrants. As a result of the first construction cohort, LATTC is one of the first community colleges to offer noncredit introductory classes in general construction, electricity, computer literacy, fashion, automotive, fitness and culinary in Spanish to Latino students with the desire and diligence to pursue noncredit Basic Skills and VOC ED courses (coupled with ESL) that will help them transition to English credit pathways or/and improve basic skills.

As we all continue to navigate the pandemic together, LATTC's Academic Connections Department gladly invites new or continuing students to register for our FREE Avanza Los Angeles (ALAs) Noncredit Spanish program. We are currently offering introductory Spanish courses in Automotive, Construction, Sewing, and Computer Literacy that are coupled with an English as a Second Level classes VIRTUALLY. Our ALAs noncredit courses during the Covid-19 pandemic are through Zoom every Monday through Thursday from 6–9:20 pm.

Matriculation Steps:

  1. Students fill out the ALAs interest from (below).
  2. Attend an orientation
  3. Complete the two-part application for CCC Apply.
  4. Email the confirmation number to @email
  5. Check emails weekly.
  6. Receive zoom link and attend the semester

For more information contact

Luciano Morales
P: (213) 763-3762

Ofelia Ramirez
P: (213) 763-3966

Welcome Message from the Avanza Los Angeles Team

Help Videos

Iniciar su cuenta de CANVAS por primera vez:

Navegando CANVAS

Avanza Los Angeles Interest Form

Complete la solicitud para seleccionar sus clases y fecha de orientación

Office Hours

Monday–Thursday: 10 am–6 pm
Friday: 10 am–4:30 pm
Closed holidays and weekends


Phone: (213) 763-3762