Health & Related Sciences
About the Health & Related Sciences Pathway
The Health & Related Sciences (HRS) Pathway includes the disciplines of Registered Nursing, Kinesiology & Health, Health Occupations and the Sciences of Anatomy, Physiology, Biology and Microbiology. The Registered Nursing program combines nursing and general education courses with selected laboratory experiences during which students provide nursing care to clients in hospitals and other health care facilities. The Nursing program provides high-quality education in health care professions leading to certification as a Registered Nurse. The Pathway also includes the science courses required for transfer and A.S. degree completion. Students are offered a variety of Health Courses (General Health, Women's Health, Men's Health, Health and Fitness, Health and Nutrition, Safety Education and First Aid, and Human Sexuality), Kinesiology Activity (Swimming, Basketball, Body Conditioning, Volleyball, Badminton, Aerobics and Weight Training) and Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Biology and Microbiology) to meet their General Education requirement.

The pathway is engaged in promoting health and human movement and preparing individuals for careers in a variety of allied health fields.
The Registered Nursing program combines nursing and general education courses with selected laboratory experiences during which students provide nursing care to clients in hospitals and other health care facilities. The Nursing program provides high-quality education in health care professions leading to certification as a Registered Nurse.
The Kinesiology Major examines how movement-based physical activities, exercise, and sport contribute to the quality of human life. This program leads to a Transfer Degree where students can continue to pursue careers in Exercise and Human Performance, Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Exercise, Community Leadership, and Teaching.
The Senior Fitness Certificate program prepares students for employment as a fitness leader for seniors. It builds upon the Health Science Foundation Core courses that prepare a student to enter the healthcare environment and develops the skills to address the fitness needs of the senior.
The Biology Majors program prepares students for transfer to University degree related fields such as genetic engineering, forensics, biochemistry, pathology, and more.
The Pre-Health Certificate programs for Pre-Health Professions I and II provide the core courses in biology, chemistry, and mathematics needed to apply to various health-related degree programs.
The Personal Care Certificate program prepares students for roles in basic nursing skills, resource management, and administrative skills to provide care to elderly at various levels of independence.
General Education
The Health, Kinesiology and Science disciplines also contain courses required for graduation. Students are offered a variety of Health Courses (General Health, Women's Health, Men's Health, Health and Fitness, Health and Nutrition, Safety Education and First Aid, and Human Sexuality), Kinesiology Activity (Swimming, Basketball, Body Conditioning, Volleyball, Badminton, Aerobics and Weight Training) and Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Biology and Microbiology) to meet their General Education requirement.
Programs of Health and Related Sciences
The Associate in Arts in Kinesiology for Transfer (AA-T) program is designed to prepare students for CSU transfer to complete a bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology, Exercise Science, Physical Education, pre-Physical Therapy, Athletic Training and other related allied health professions. Interested students may also pursue careers as personal trainers.
Students completing the AA-T in Kinesiology are guaranteed admission to the California State University system, although not necessarily to a particular campus or major of choice. Students should consult with a counselor for more information on university admission and transfer requirements as this AA-T in Kinesiology degree may not be the best option for students intending to transfer to a particular CSU campus or to a college or university that is not part of the CSU system.
The Associate in Arts in Kinesiology for Transfer (AA-T) degree will be awarded upon completion of the following:
Nursing is a field that is in high demand and is one that is personally rewarding and constantly stimulating. The Career Ladder Program at Los Angeles Trade-Technical College is approved by the Board of Registered Nursing. It combines nursing theory with selected laboratory experiences and general education courses. Program courses are sequenced from simple to complex. Nursing courses include medical surgical nursing, reproductive and women’s health, nursing of children and families, psychiatric nursing, geriatric and community nursing, leadership and preceptorship.
The Registered Nursing (RN) Program at LATTC combines nursing and general education courses with selected laboratory experiences during which students provide nursing care to clients in hospitals and other health care facilities. Nursing courses include medical surgical nursing, geriatric nursing, maternal child health nursing, pediatric nursing, psychiatric nursing, pharmacology, and nursing management and leadership and preceptorship. The program is designed to be completed within four semesters after admission.
Applicants must meet health as well as other requirements mandated by the program and affiliating hospitals/clinic prior to entry. Candidates are admitted to the program in the Fall and Spring semesters. Candidates must enter the program with a minimum overall 2.5 grade point average in all college level courses and a 2.5 grade point average in the science prerequisites.
Please note: You must be accepted into the Nursing Program before you can enroll in these classes. Once accepted enrollment will be done by the department. You cannot enroll online.
Health & Related Sciences Pathway
Biological Sciences
Dr. Angela Gee, Chairperson Tracy Hale-White, Secretary
Biological Sciences Biological Sciences, Health, Kinesiology, HOC
Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College
400 West Washington Blvd 400 W. Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90015 Los Angeles, CA 90015 Office: B3-304A Office: B3-304 Phone: 213-763-3727
Nursing Department
Paula Moorefield
Director and Department Chairperson of Nursing
Los Angeles Trade-Technical College
400 West Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Office: B3-165
Angel Rodrigues
Nursing Secretary
Los Angeles Trade-Technical College
400 W. Washington Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90015
@email Office: B3-165 Phone: (213) 763-7170