Student Conflict Resolution Process

  • Option One - Student Conflict Resolution On-line Form (do not use regarding a final grade - see chart below)
  • Option Two - Student Conflict Resolution - Green Form PDF
  • Form can be printed or obtained from the Department Chair’s office, and must be completed prior to meeting with the Academic Dean. Signatures must be present on the Option Two form to have a meeting with the area Dean. Option Two process goes through the area Dean of Academic Affairs. The area Dean will set up a meeting with the student, the department chair and the instructor to resolve the issue.
  • Final Grade Grievance Procedures

Student/Instructor Conflict Resolution

Quick Reference Flow Chart for Step One

Incident/Student Compliant Referred To Appropriate Documents for Action
Issue regarding student-to-instructor conflict within the classroom; for example:
  • Disagreement with current grades received within a course
  • Student has not received a syllabus for the course
  1. Department Chair of the area for the resolution.
  2. if issue is not resolved, process moves to area Dean of Instructional Affairs.
  3. if student issue us still not resolved, copies of the written complaint are given to the student and the original copies with appropriate signatures are forwarded to the Campus Ombudsperson.
Option One - Student Conflict Resolution On-line Form (do not use regarding a final grade)

Option Two - Student Conflict Resolution - Green Form PDF Should be completed and the appropriate signatures must be present prior to the meeting with the Ombudsperson
Issue regarding final grade received in course
  1. Student confers with instructor. There is no need to complete a Conflict Resolution form.
  2. If an agreement cannot be reached, student must fill out a "Petition for Grade Change" form to Admissions & Records. A&R forwards completed form to instructor of record for required action.
  3. If Petition for Grade Change is denied by instructor, Form 1: Statement of grievance may be submitted.
  1. No form needed
  2. Grade Challenge Petition PDF
  3. AP 5530-1 Form: Statement of Grievance
Issue with discrimination or harassment Referral to LACCD ODEIA