LATTC Building

Academic Counseling

Academic Counseling

Counseling services are available in person and virtually. Students who are currently enrolled at LATTC with a student ID number can schedule an appointment up to 2 weeks in advance.

Pathway Counseling

Email, live chat, or schedule an appointment with a counselor from your Pathway.

General Counseling

Email, live chat, or schedule an appointment for General Counseling and undecided majors.

Other Counseling

Email, live chat, or schedule an appointment with counselors or staff from the following departments:

Front Desk Virtual Lobby

The Counseling Center's front desk virtual lobby is available on Fridays 8:00am–12:00pm for quick general questions with a front desk staff.

Enter the Front Desk Virtual Lobby

Counseling Center

Office Hours and Location

Spring 2024
Mondays–Thursdays: 8:00am–6:00pm
Fridays: 8:00am–12:00pm
Closed on weekends and holidays

Administration/Services Building, E5-205


Phone: (213) 763-7354
Email: @email