More About Counseling

Counseling Services

Counseling services are available to help support students to be successful in college and to achieve their personal, educational, and career goals. Services are free to current/registered LATTC students. Services provided by counseling faculty include: personal counseling, career counseling, educational planning, career and personal testing, and referral. Counseling is different than advising.

Meet with a counselor to explore the following:

Personal Counseling: How do I deal with all the stress? How can I best balance my school and life at the same time? How can I handle difficult times in my life? How do I deal with relationship problems?

Career Counseling: How do I pick a major or educational program? What should I consider when trying to pick a career? Which career direction should I choose? What careers best fit my needs and interests?

Educational Counseling: What learning and study strategies will help me be more successful in school? How can I manage my time and schedule better? Why do I always have a hard time with tests? How can I get more out of my reading and notes?

Counseling Assessments: Are there any inventories or tests that can help me choose a career? What inventories/tests would help me find out how I learn best?

Referral: What are the community resources that might help my situation? Where can I go to find low-cost psychotherapy? Do you know of any AA groups for students? How can I find out if I have depression?

  • Assessment of student’s academic abilities, disabilities, strengths, and weaknesses.
  • Students assisted in assessing, planning, and implementing immediate and long-range academic goals.
  • Help in clarifying academic goals and selecting a major.
  • Educational planning for transfer, associate degrees, and certificate programs.
  • Referral to other support services when needed.
  • Intervention for students when academic performance is at risk
  • Follow-up consultations (e.g. academic mentoring, early alert processes, and probation counseling).
  • Assist students through the processes of pre and co-requisite implementation, transcript evaluation, and general education transfer certification.
  • Develop curriculum and offer courses and workshops that teach the skills needed for academic success, such as study skills, note taking, and time management.

  • Career counseling offers students aptitudes, abilities, and interests’ assessments, and are advised concerning current and future employment trends.
  • Career development process taught with emphasis on its importance in setting and achieving academic and life goals
  • Career counseling services assist students in examining their lives as a whole–values, interests, aptitudes, and life circumstances.
  • Career counseling services provided through individual and group counseling, workshops, and college courses.
  • Career counseling services include assisting students in clarifying career goals, through intake interviews and administration and interpretation of career assessment instruments; instruction in career exploration using the latest technology and methods; and instruction in career goal setting and decision-making.
  • Career center that provides up-to-date information on career research, labor market, educational programs, and all aspects of the career development process
  • Technical assistance is available to help students access this information.
  • Establish liaison relationships with other career-related programs, such as regional occupational programs, work experience programs, GAIN/CalWork, and private industry councils.
  • Assistance with job placement and the job search process, including instruction in resume preparation and interviewing skills.

  • Personal counseling services are available to students whose personal life issues interfere with their academic success. These services include
    • individual and group counseling,
    • crisis intervention,
    • support groups,
    • and courses or workshops on personal life issues (e.g., self-esteem, stress management, and substance abuse prevention).
  • Counseling faculty provide referrals to other mental health professionals for more severe problems and maintain up-to-date information on community resources and refer students to appropriate services as needed.

  • Crisis intervention offered either directly or through cooperative arrangements with other resources on campus or in the community.
  • Counseling programs work closely with administration and outside agencies to ensure that the needs of students in crisis are met and that personnel appropriate to such situations are available
  • Counseling programs are familiar with district disaster plans, and are prepared to assist students in the event of a disaster on campus

  • Students counseled with a respect for their origins and cultural values.
  • Counseling faculty has specific knowledge about the characteristics of the groups with which they serve.
  • Counseling faculty actively seeks out educational and life experiences that enrich their cross-cultural knowledge, understanding, and skills in order to provide counseling that is more effective