Challenge Exams

Challenge Process (Course Pre/Co-requisites)

Where do I file a Course Pre/Co-Requisite Challenge Application?

Visit the Assessment Center located in Student Support Center, D3-01 for a Challenge application. In order to take the Challenge Exam you will need to complete the Challenge application, along with an explanation and submit supporting documentation for your reason(s) to challenge. You will need to complete the challenge application one month before the start of the term you plan to register for the course. Course prerequisites/corequisites are strictly enforced at Los Angeles Trade-Technical College.

What are Prerequisites, Co-requisites/co-current enrollment, and Advisories?

-Many courses listed in the class schedule will indicate suggested Prerequisites, Co-requisites/Co-current enrollment, and Advisories after the name of the course.

These recommendations were made after careful consideration by the faculty of that department. You have the right to challenge the prerequisites/co-requisites if you believe one or more of the following reasons:

  1. I have the knowledge, ability or skill to succeed in the course despite not meeting the prerequisite or co-requisite.
  2. I will be subject to undue delay in attaining the goal of my educational plan because of the enrollment limitation, or because the prerequisite or co-requisite course has not been made reasonably available. My declared educational goal (e.g. AA degree, certificate of completion or transfer) is:_________________________
  3. The prerequisite or co-requisite has not been established in accordance with applicable college policies and procedures.
  4. The prerequisite or co-requisite is in violation of Title 5, Section 55200-55202 of the California Code of regulations.
  5. The pre-requisite or co-requisite, or enrollment limitation is either unlawfully discriminatory or is being applied in an unlawfully discriminatory manner.
  6. The basis upon which the college established the enrollment limitation does not exists.
  7. Other .________________________

The Specifics…

You will need to present a valid photo ID to the Assessment Center proctor at the time of Challenging and have a service ticket number from the Information Center...

This is a one time test…

You will have one hour to complete the exam...

You need at least a 70% to pass...

You will not receive any credit or grade for successfully passing the Challenge Exam. If you are challenging several levels within the same subject you will need to pass the first test before you go can challenge the next one.

The Matriculation Department along with the committe has five (5) business(working) days to resolve the challenge and notify you of your results. The committee consist of the following: Matriculaion/Enrollment Management Dean, Counselor and a Faculty of the subject you are challenging.

For more information please us at (213) 763-5339