Admissions FAQs
Admissions FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
- How much do classes cost?
- Do I need a high school diploma to attend LATTC?
- How do I receive credit at LATTC for classes I took at another college or university?
- I attended LATTC before, do I need to reapply for admission?
- How can I make a change or update my information (i.e. name, address)?
- Do I qualify for the AB-540 tuition exemption?
- How do I apply for the AB-540 tuition exemption?
- If I fail a class can I repeat it?
- I passed a class I previously failed, does my new grade replace my old one?
- Why can’t I change/receive my personal information over the phone?
- What is a “W”?
- Can I repeat a class if I previously received a “W”?
- How long does it take for grades to post?
- What is SIS?
- If in person registration is first come first served, what is my registration appointment for?
The enrollment fee at LATTC is $46 per unit.
2024-2025 Academic Year
Out-of-state and foreign students: $359 per unit plus enrollment fee of $46 per unit.
2025-2026 Academic Year
Out-of-state and foreign students: $377 per unit plus enrollment fee of $46 per unit.
No. Anyone who is 18 years of age or older qualifies for admission. Anyone 17 years of age or younger, who has completed all the necessary supplemental forms, also qualifies for admission.
Request your transcripts be mailed directly to LATTC’s Office of Admissions & Records. WE DO NOT ACCEPT transcripts submitted in person-they must be mailed to our office from your previous college or university.
Once your transcripts are on file in our office, submit a request for Substitution of Credit via Academic Petition, which is available in the counseling office.
Students who do not register for classes for 1 year (or 2 consecutive semesters) must reapply for admission as returning students. If you are not sure, you can check to see if you have a registration appointment for the next semester by checking the SIS online.
Submit a Student Information Change form to Admissions & Records during the normal business hours. You may submit the form in-person or virtually through Cranium Cafe. Depending upon the type of information change, you will also need to submit proof, such as I.D., social security card, birth certificate, court order, etc.
Just fill out the Non-Resident Exemption Affidavit (available in the Office of Admissions and Records)
If you received a grade lower than a “C” you are allowed to repeat the class up to a third time. Should you receive a failing grade again, you will need to submit a petition for special permission to take the class a fourth time.
Yes, it can, but it is not always automatic. In order for your new grade to replace your previous grade, you must come to the Office of Admissions and Records and request a Line Out. All coursework will still show on your record, however, the “F” or “D” will not count toward your GPA.
In compliance with Federal and State law, our college may not release or disclose students’ records or information without the written consent of the student. Therefore, you are not allowed to make any changes, receive any student or personal information over the phone. Please visit the Office of Admissions and Records to make any changes or to request your student record information.
A “W” represents a Withdrawal. A “W” will appear on your record when you drop a class after the Drop with No Penalty deadline. It does not count toward your GPA, but indicates that you did not successfully complete a class.
Yes. Since a “W” is not technically a grade, you may repeat a class for which you have previously received a “W” without petitioning for special permission.
After a class has concluded, it takes approximately 2 weeks for your grade to post. If you wish to see your grade you can use SIS. You cannot receive your grades by calling the Office of Admissions and Records.
SIS is the Student Information System. With SIS you can add/drop classes, you can print unofficial transcripts, view your grades, pay your fees, view your holds, change your PIN, and check your financial aid status.
Your registration appointment is the date and time that your record becomes active for SIS registration. On or after that date and time you’ll be able to add classes, as long as they have not started.