Graduation FAQs
How to Apply for Graduation
Students must speak to a Counselor to ensure that (1) their academic plan is correct and (2) they meet all the requirements (or will meet all the requirements) within the petitioning semester for their Degree (s) or Certificate(s). The following must be received and/or resolved at Admissions and Records prior to submitting your graduation petition if you plan to receive credit:
- College/University transcript
- High School transcripts
- AP scores
- Substitutions
- CSU/IGETC Certification form
Graduation Petitions must be submitted through the student portal.
Graduation Calendar
Fall 2024:
Evaluation: Completed
Award Posting: Completed
Diploma Mailing: Completed
Winter 2025:
Evaluation: In-Progress
Award Posting: April
Diploma Mailing: April
Spring 2025:
Evaluation: Beginning June
Award Posting: August
Diploma Mailing: September
Summer 2025
Evaluation: Beginning September
Award Posting: October
Diploma Mailing: November
Commencement Ceremony
Information about the upcoming commencement ceremony can be found at Student Life | Commencement Ceremony where you will find information about the event's schedule, how to RSVP, cap and gown rentals, and other pertinent information.
I graduated recently, when will my diploma be ready?
Please refer to the Graduation Calendar above for updates.
I graduated in the past, how can I obtain my diploma?
If students have not picked up their physical diploma before, they will need contact the evaluator assigned to their last name to assist with obtaining diploma.
I need a replacement diploma, how can I obtain that?
You may request a replacement diploma through Parchment.
I recently moved/provided incorrect contact information. How can I update that?
Depending on the stage of the review process, students can update their mailing address through the student portal. Once diplomas are finalized and prepared for mailing, students will receive an email and text message asking them to confirm their mailing address through Parchment within three days."
How do I change my major/degree?
To update/change a major, students will need to speak to a Counselor. Petitions cannot be changed or altered once they have been submitted to the Admissions and Records Office.
How do I send my LACCD official transcripts after my degree has been posted?
Please refer to the Transcript and Verification page.
Which semesters can I petition for graduation?
Students have the options of petitioning during the following semesters: Fall, Winter Spring, and Summer.
My Degree petition was denied. What do I do now?
Students will receive a notification explaining reason(s) why their petition was denied and must follow up with a Counselor.
I completed the CSU/IGETC general education plan, what do I do?
Students must visit with a Counselor to complete a certification form that must be submitted to their graduation evaluator.