Sheriff's Office Services

The College Sheriffs are responsible for keeping the campus safe and offers additional services. For information about parking, visit the Parking Information page.

Additional Services

Escort Service

Escorts on foot are available at any time. Call the Department and someone will be dispatched to your location to escort you.

Lost and Found

The College Sheriff’s Department maintains Trade-Tech’s Lost and Found. Any item, that is either lost or found, should be taken to the College Sheriff’s Office to facilitate the return to its owner. Items turned in are logged and kept for the duration of the semester and then discarded according to established procedures. Identification is required to claim property. Inquiries may be made either in person or by telephone. The College is not responsible for any personal property left on campus.

Visit the Sheriff's Office Webpage for department administrative information.

Office Hours and Location

24 Hours Daily

School of Design & Media Arts, D4-150


Phone: (213) 763-3600