Domestic Violence

Family Violence

Family Violence (frequently referred to as Domestic Violence) is a CRIME. Family violence includes various types of abuse including domestic violence, elder abuse, and child abuse. The Sheriff's Department and the family abuse intervention resources listed here provide assistance to victims of family violence.

  • It is illegal for your (spouse, former spouse, current or former intimate partner, or a person with whom you are having or have had a dating relationship) to hurt you in anyway; force you to have sex when you don't want to; threaten to harm or kill you or your children.
  • It is illegal for anyone to physically, sexually, or emotionally abuse children.
  • It is illegal for anyone to physically, sexually, emotionally, or financially abuse elder adults or dependent adults.

The organization described here can assist in breaking the cycle of violence in the family. These resources provide information to victims and their families about assistance and programs available throughout the County of Los Angeles.

If you are in an abusive relationship, whether or not you are able to leave an abuser, there are some things you can do to make yourself and your family safer. Our goal is to provide maximum protection for victims and children of family violence.

These resources can provide:

  • Safety Planning
  • Threat Assessment
  • Case follow-up
  • Emergency housing
  • Court Accompaniment


Los Angeles County Domestic Violence Hotline…1 (800) 978-3600

National Domestic Violence Hotline…1 (800) 799-SAFE(7233)

Department of Children and Family Services…1 (800)540-4000

Elder Abuse Services…1 (877) 477-3646

For further information regarding counseling services and shelters, you may contact:

1736 Family Crisis Center…(213) 745-6434

1736 Family Crisis Center…(562) 388-7652

1736 Family Crisis Center…(310) 370-5902

211 Helpline…(800) 339-9597

Angel Step Inn…(562) 944-6144

Free Spirit…(323) 937-1312

Haven Hills…(818) 887-6589

Haven House…(323) 681-2626

House of Ruth…(909) 988-5559

Interval House…(562) 594-4555

Women’s & Children’s Crisis Center…(562) 437-4663

Women Shelter of Long Beach…(562) 437-4663