Parking Information

General Information

All vehicular parking at Trade-Tech is by valid permit only and in designated parking lots as posted. All California Vehicle Sections apply on campus. A copy of the College's parking rules and regulations is printed in the College Catalog, the Schedule of Classes, and may also be obtained by contacting the College Sheriff's Detail. For rideshare information we suggest you visit the Southern California Rideshare website.

Parking on Campus

Student parking regulations are enforced starting the first day of classes each semester through final examinations. A student parking decal is valid for the current academic term only and must be displayed at all times a vehicle is parked on college property. Saturday and Sunday parking rules and regulations are enforced in the same manner as weekdays.

Parking decals are made of removable mylar and should be affixed to the inside rear window, (lower right side, facing outward). Vehicles with tinted rear windows may display the decal in the lower right or lower left front window. Any vehicle displaying a decal which is expired, altered, reported lost or stolen, or not completely visible is subject to a citation.

A valid college parking decal and a DMV placard must be displayed on any vehicle parked in a designated handicapped stall.

Regulations governing handicapped parking, red curbs, no-parking zones, fire lanes, special permit areas, and areas that have parking time limitations are enforced 24 hours a day, including weekends and holidays. Failure to display a parking decal or parking in an area not authorized for student parking, including designated staff lots and levels and reserved spaces, will result in the issuance of a illegally parked vehicles may be towed away at owner's expense.

All traffic laws must be obeyed. Vehicles must be parked in stalls within the designated lines. The college speed limit is 7 miles per hour.

Parking Passes

All passes can be purchased from the Business Office located in Administration/Services Building, E5 1st Floor Lobby

Guests: Permit acquired from Sheriff’s Office located in School of Design & Media Arts, D4-150 for one-time visits free of charge.

Preferred Student Parking (for Fall & Spring Semesters and includes ASO Membership) - as available:

  • Olive Street Parking Structure – Entrance: Olive St., between Washington Bl. and 21st St.
  • Flower St. Lot – Entrance: Southbound Flower St., between 22nd St. and 23rd St.
  • 24th St. Parking Structure, 2nd through 5th – Entrance: 24th St., between Grand Ave. and Olive St.

General Student Parking ( for Fall & Spring Semesters):

  • 24th Parking Structure, 6th Fl. (top level) – Entrance: 24th St., between Grand Ave. and Olive St.

General Student Parking ( for Winter & Summer Sessions):

  • Valid in all Preferred and General Student Parking Lots.

PLEASE NOTE: After 3 pm a student with any parking permit (general or preferred) is allowed to park in any designated student parking area (whether preferred or general).

Disabled Placards: Students and Staff members holding a valid disabled placard are allowed to park in any handicapped stall throughout the campus, but must also have a valid Student Permit or Faculty/Staff Permit displayed.

Motorcycles and Mopeds: No permit required; parking is restricted to motorcycle/moped parking area.

Bicycles: No permit required; bike racks are located throughout campus. (Bikes must be walked on campus.)

LATTC assumes no responsibility or liability for your car or its contents while parked in the lots. Also walking/wheelchair escort service only, is provided upon availability for students with physical or other limitations.
Note: This is not a shuttle service. Call the Sheriff’s Office at (213) 763-3600 and an officer will be dispatched to your location.

Inquiries regarding the college’s parking program, parking rules and regulations, parking decal use and enforcement should be directed to the following offices during normal business hours: Business Office at (213) 763-7225 or the Office of Administrative Services at (213) 763-7040.
However, LATTC Sheriff’s Station personnel are on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist with parking decal use and enforcement issues. Please call the Sheriff’s Office at (213) 763-3600.

Decal Sales, Refunds, and Exchanges: Please contact the Business Office located in Administration/Services Building, E5 1st Floor Lobby , (213) 763-7225.

Parking Citations

Citations will be issued to all vehicles on college property in violation of parking rules and regulations. Bail in the amount indicated on the citation may be mailed in lieu of appearance. The citation is a self-addressed envelope. (Send payment by check or money order. Do not send cash in the mail). Individuals who believe a parking citation was issued to them in error must complete an Administrative Review Form (form below), available on line as a pdf file, or at the College Sheriff’s Department, immediately or pay the bail for the citation. Failure to do so may result in substantial penalties and a Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) hold on vehicle registration.

Parking Citation Appeals: Individuals who believe a citation was issued to them in error must appeal it immediately by completing an Administrative Review form (available in the Sheriff’s Station, Cypress Hall D-150) or the LATTC Sheriff’s website under Parking Information). Appeals must be mailed to: Los Angeles Trade-Technical College, Parking Citation Service Center, P.O. Box 11923, Santa Ana, CA 92711. You may contact the LATTC Sheriff’s Station for results within approximately three weeks. Failure to immediately pay or appeal a citation may result in substantial penalties and a Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) hold on your vehicle registration.

Parking Citation Payment Plans: It is the policy of the LATTC that the registered owner or person responsible for parking citations shall be allowed to enroll in a payment plan (form below). This policy has been created in response to changes in California Vehicle Code as a part of Assembly Bill 503 (2017-2018).

Overnight Parking

No vehicles Cars, Motorcycles, Mopeds, and Bicycles) can park overnight without the permission of the Vice President of Administration. Vehicles left overnight may be removed Per California Vehicle Code 22669 CVC.

Parking FAQs

  • Q. Where can I purchase a parking permit?

    • A. Parking permits can be purchased in the Business Office located on the first floor of Juniper Hall.
  • Q. How can I contest a parking ticket?

    • A. Citation appeal forms can be obtained inside the Sheriff’s Office on campus or downloaded from LATTC’s web page under- Sheriff’s Department / Parking Information.
  • Q. What are the differences between “General” parking & “Preferred” parking?

    • A. General: Allows you to park in the Glory Church Lot & the Grand Lot located at Grand & 18th St.
      • Preferred: Allows you to park in the Olive Street Parking Structure & the Roof Lot.
  • Q. Can those attending court park in the Olive Street Parking Structure?

    • A. No. Parking in the O.S.P.S. is for staff and students only. (LATTC Visitors- Must have a valid visitors parking permit displayed in their window. LATTC visitor passes can be obtained in the Sheriff’s Office).
  • Q. How do I contest a parking ticket?

    • A. Citation appeal forms can be obtained inside the campus Sheriff’s Office (D-150) or on-line from the Campus Sheriff’s page on LATTC’s website under “Parking Information.”
  • Q. Do I need a parking permit to park my motorcycle on campus?

    • A. No, motorcycles park for free and MUST park in the designated motorcycle stalls.
  • Q. What are the differences between campus Sheriff’s & campus Security?

    • A. The campus Sheriff Deputies have police powers to arrest. The campus Security Officers work for the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department. They are armed and have the powers to detain regarding suspicious activity.
  • Q. What are the requirements to become a campus Police Cadet?

    • A. You must have 12 units and a GPA of 2.0 or higher (Applications can be obtained in the Sheriff’s Office – Cypress Hall/ D-150).
  • Q. Are all LACCD Staff/Student parking permits valid at LATTC

    • A. Yes, LATTC honors all valid LACCD Staff/Student parking permits.

Note: This information is subject to change without notice.