For School Officials

Become a Partner: Bridge to College

Los Angeles Trade-Technical College is committed to building and cultivating a culture of collaborating with the community. We take pride in establishing partnership to connect your students to college on site or yours. If interested, please provide your information and we will contact you within 3 business days.

Admission Basis

Although K-12 makes recommendations, LATTC can deny admissions based on:

  • Age Restrictions for specific courses
  • Completion of a specified grade level
  • Demonstrated eligibility for instruction using assessment methods
  • Limitation on enrollment of Physical Education –
  • No more than 10 percent of the class may be comprised of special part/full-time students

Credit Course Repeats / Withdrawals*

  • Students have three (3) attempts to successfully pass a course with a “C” or higher throughout the entire Los Angeles Community College District. •A Withdrawal (W) or an Incomplete (I) will now count as an attempt.
  • Students may petition to repeat a class for the fourth (4th) time only in cases of extenuating circumstances (e.g. fire, flood, or other extraordinary conditions). Student must meet with an Academic Counselor.

*Exceptions may apply to students who have successfully passed a class due to specific circumstances, such as a legally mandated training, the course content has changed, or significant time has lapsed.

Policies and Procedures

The Los Angeles Trade-Technical College may admit as a special part-time or full-time student, anyone who is in the age group of Kindergarten to 12th grade (K-12), who has completed the admission requirements set forth in Administrative Regulation E-87, and who in the opinion of the instructor or counselor may benefit from instruction. (See California Education Code Sections 48800; 48800.5, 76001; LACCD Board Rules 8100.05, 8100.06, 8100.07, and 8100.08.)

Enrollment fees for Special Part-Time Students K-12 students will be waived pursuant to Board Rule 8100.07 and California Education Code Section 76300(f).

LAUSD Articulation Agreement

This Bulletin provides guidelines for school personnel to advice students appropriately regarding equivalent college course work. Review Bulletin for information regarding High School Credit for Concurrent Enrollment.

Please be advised that high school students may only enroll in Degree Applicable, Vocational and Non-Credit courses. Any course prerequisites must be met to determine eligibility for course registration.