For Parents

Parent/Guardian Information

Parents must sign K-12 Concurrent Enrollment Form and attend the required orientation for new students.

  • Parents are responsible for ensuring that their children are appropriately supervised before and after class, and when class is cancelled and/or dismissed early.
  • Students/Parents are responsible for purchasing required books and/or materials.
  • Arrangements for receiving high school credit for course work completed must be made with students' respective high schools.
  • K-12 concurrent students will be treated as regular college students and are expected to comply with all college rules and regulations.
  • Students must arrange for their own transportation to and from the college.
  • Be aware that enrolled minor students may be exposed to discussions, readings and visual materials of a mature nature.


  • Students have three (3) attempts to successfully pass a course with a “C” or higher throughout the entire Los Angeles Community College District. •A Withdrawal (W) or an Incomplete (I) will now count as an attempt.
  • Students may petition to repeat a class for the fourth (4th) time only in cases of extenuating circumstances (e.g. fire, flood, or other extraordinary conditions). Student must meet with an Academic Counselor.

*Exceptions may apply to students who have successfully passed a class due to specific circumstances, such as a legally mandated training, the course content has changed, or significant time has lapsed.