Classroom Protocol

The following Protocol has been written for student to have a clear understanding of the Umoja Class Environment. We believe that when students follow these simple guidelines, learning is enhanced and students will function at their optimum levels. Umoja classrooms host students that are respectful and professional with instructors, tutors, peers and others. Students are expected to be responsible for their actions and role in the Umoja program.

The following is an overview of the Umoja Classroom Environment. Please pay special attention to the Student Expectations section.

Classroom Environment

Umoja Classrooms are designed to prepare student for educational and career success. Therefore, students are expected to participate in a professional, academic manner. Umoja students are required to adhere to the following classroom rules:

  • Food: Eating is not allowed inside of classrooms.
  • Water: Water is acceptable and encouraged, but must be kept at your seat and properly stored.
  • Trash: Before entering a classroom, place your trash in the waste basket outside of the classroom.
  • Music: Personal music devices (including MP3 & CD players, phones, and other music-generating devices) are not permitted. However, instructors may choose to incorporate the use of music into their curriculum.

Student Expectations

Upon entering class, Umoja students are expected to adhere to the following:

Before Class

  • Enter the classroom quietly.
  • Sign-in on the attendance sheet or check-in on the computer.
  • Signing in or checking in without staying for the entire class period is not permitted.
  • Find your seat.
  • Turn phone, pagers, MP3 and other electronic devices off or on silent.
  • Take out all necessary class books & supplies.
  • Review notes, homework, test questions or read a book, but remain quiet until the instructor officially starts class. Do not engage in personal conversations.

During Class

  • Before speaking, raise your hand and wait to for the instructor to call on you.
  • There is no talking to classmates during class (unless authorized by the instructor).
  • In order to temporarily leave the classroom, students must receive permission from instructors (you may not leave class for phone calls, text messages or emails).
  • Students are not permitted to receive visitors during class.
  • Tardiness and late arrivals to class will result in a ½ day absence. Six, half-day absences are grounds for dismissal from the course.
  • Students are allowed three excused absences.
  • When class is finished for the day, students are required to sign/check out with Umoja faculty and staff.

Adapted from West Los Angeles Community College's "Umoja Application Packet". Retrieved on February 2, 2013 at 3:35 a.m. from

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