Hotlines Child Abuse Hotline and Reporting (800) 540-4000 Rape/Sexual Abuse Hotlines (800) 656-4673 Battered Women's / DV (800) 548-2722 (Bi-Ling) or (800) 978-3600 Children of the Night (800) 551-1300 National Runaway Hotlines (800) 621-4000 Community Helpline (877) 541-2525 Crisis Hot Line Rape and Battery (310) 392-8381 LA County Mental Health Access Center (800) 854-7771 Family Crisis Center (310) 379-3620 Suicide Prevention Crisis Line (877) 727-4747 or (800) 273-8255 Year Round Emergency Shelter (800) 548-6047 TTY: (800) 660-4026 Alcohol/Drug Help Line (800) 229-7708 Elder Abuse Hotline (800) 992-1660 California Youth Crisis Line (800) 843-5200 Safely Surrender Baby Safe Hotline (877) 222-9723 American Red Cross (800) 540-2000 San Fernando Aids Foundation (800) 922-2437 Cri-Help (24-hr. drug rehab ref) (818) 985-8323 L.A. Victim-Witness Assist Prog (213) 978-2097 National Vets Foundation (888) 777-4443 Hearing Impaired Interpret to Medical Services (800) 422-7444 211 LA 24 hours a day (800) 339-6993 or 211