Computer Information Systems


The Computer Information Systems program is designed to prepare students for careers in the exciting Information Technology fields such as programming, software engineering, database administration, computer networking, multimedia programming, and web programming technologies. Microcomputer usage continues to grow at an ever increasing pace as does the demand for workers with solid technical skills and knowledge of programming, networking, and website development and management. The primary goal of the program is to prepare students for entry-level employment as well as providing marketable career advancement knowledge and skills. Students with interest in transferring to an Information Systems program at four-year institutions should consult with the Counseling department for needed course work.

Phone: (213) 763-5554

Computer Information Systems PDF


Main Contacts
R Maina, Department Chair
Office Location
School of Business and Civic Engagement, C4-203-D1
Office Hours
Area Of Study (AOS)
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Computer Information Systems AS C

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Man Using the Computer

Program Details

Award Title Award Type Required Course Units Total Major Units GE Units
Computer Information Systems AS 21 45 21
Computer Information Systems C 21 45