Street Maintenance Technology

California Map

Program Overview

The Street Maintenance Technology program is designed primarily for those involved in public works maintenance operations. Asphaltic and concrete pavement, construction, plan reading, calculation of materials, state and municipal codes, report writing, and heavy equipment operation and maintenance are some of the skills required in this field. To meet the training needs of persons interested in becoming a street maintenance worker, LATTC offers a Street Maintenance Associate degree and a Certificate of Achievement.

The street maintenance field has evolved into a broader category of workers. Workers in this arena are primarily employed by governmental agencies that perform maintenance operations on public highways and streets. Professionals in this field are involved at the ground level through upper level management.

By fulfilling the program requirements, students will have the necessary knowledge and skills for a career as a Street Services Worker. Knowledge and skills will be mastered in the area of installation and maintenance of various types of street construction and material including asphalt and concrete. Students will also gain the supervisory skills needed to be promoted into management.

Street Maintenance Technology PDF

Office Location
Office Hours


Construction, Maintenance & Utilities Pathway (CMU)

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Electrical Line Workers Doing Electrical Connections

Program Details

Award Title Award Type Required Course Units Total Major Units GE Units
Street Maintenance Technology AA 30 36 21
Street Maintenance Technology C 30 36