FAQ’s about General Education (GE-Breadth)

FAQ’s about General Education (GE-Breadth)


No. Students are not guaranteed admission to any campus on the basis of completing general education coursework. Completion of the lower-division breadth requirements does however may improve a transfer applicant’s chances of admission to a competitive campus and/or program.

No. While a course may appear in more than one general education category, it can only be used to satisfy the requirement in one area.

Yes. A single course can meet the requirement for both general education and major requirements.

Yes. IGETC coursework must be completed with a grade of “C” or better. Grades of “Pass” or “Credit” will be accepted when a passing grade is equivalent to a “C” or better. “C-“ grades and “D” grades are not acceptable.

The CSU GE Breadth requirements stipulate that grades of “C” or better must be achieved in areas A and B4, as well as coursework in 30 of the 39 units of the general education pattern. Grades of “Pass” or “Credit” will be accepted when a passing grade is equivalent to a “C” or better.

Yes. Official Advanced Placement scores must be received from College Board for these to be used in either general education pattern. In most instances, scores of “3” or better will be granted course/subject credit. See LATTC Catalog for a listing of AP tests, scores, and approved credit.

No. While similar, there are some key distinctions between the two patterns. IGETC has a foreign language competency requirement that can be met in a variety of ways. Most students will satisfy this requirement with either two years of high school foreign language with grades of “C” or better, or one semester of foreign language at the college level.

The CSU GE-Breadth requirements include an oral communications course, as well as the graduation requirement of U.S. History, Constitution, and American Ideals. This graduation requirement can be met at the community college and can be included in the general education coursework.

Additionally, CSU GE-Breadth Certification allows certification of separate GE areas, the course requirements for all areas of IGETC must be completed and certified by a California community college to be accepted by CSU or UC.

It depends. If you plan on applying to both the UC and CSU, then the IGETC is an appropriate pattern as it meets the requirements for both systems. If you are only seeking transfer to the CSU, then you can follow the CSU GE-Breadth requirements.

Yes. UC Berkeley’s Hass School of Business, and UC San Diego’s Revelle and Roosevelt colleges will not accept IGETC. Please see a counselor regarding the general education requirements for these campuses.

Yes. A community college can included courses from regionally accredited colleges and universities to meet IGETC requirements if the coursework is evaluated and deemed to be equivalent to that of the community college course.

No. A student must request certification and be signed off by a counselor. Any coursework from colleges outside the LACCD must be on file in Admission & Records, official transcript. Only sealed transcripts sent directly from the college or university are considered “official”. Sealed transcripts hand delivered are not accepted as “official”.

Not all students can use IGETC or CSU GE-Breadth to satisfy their general education requirements. A student who entered a UC or CSU as a freshman, is now attending the community college, and plans to return to that same institution may not be eligible for the IGETC or CSU GE-Breadth. Please see a counselor if you have previously attended a UC or CSU and want to return to the same campus.

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