Transfer FAQs
Transfer Frequently Asked Questions
Click on a question below:
- How can the University Transfer Center (UTC) help me?
- What is the minimum GPA required to transfer?
- How many units do I need to complete to transfer to a university?
- When should I apply to a university?
- How do I apply to a university?
- What is the best school for my major?
- What are my chances of getting accepted?
- Do I need an associate's degree to transfer?
- What's the difference between general education and major preparation requirements?
- What is CSUGE/IGETC Certification and do I need to apply for it?
How can the University Transfer Center (UTC) help me?
The LATTC University Transfer Center (UTC) can assist you in making well informed decisions as you navigate the university transfer process. We provide four-year university and college information including admission and major requirements for the California State University (CSU), University of California (UC), California independent colleges and university systems (private), and out-of-state colleges and universities. The UTC is located in Juniper Hall on the second floor Room 203.
What is the minimum GPA required to transfer?
Students who have earned a grade point average of 2.0 (2.40 for non-California residents) or better for the CSU, and a 2.4 (2.8 for non-California residents) or better for the UC at the time of application in all transferable units and who have maintained this GPA standard are eligible to apply. However, impacted California public universities and majors that cannot accommodate all eligible students will select students for admissions who have achieved higher GPAs. California independent colleges and university systems as well as out-of-state colleges and universities GPA requirements will vary depending on the individual school.
How many units do I need to complete to transfer to a university?
You will need to complete at minimum 60 transferable units prior to transferring to the university to be eligible to transfer as an upper-division (junior) transfer student to the California State University and University of California. Most campuses require these units to be completed by the end of spring semester prior to fall transfer. We strongly suggest you work closely with a transfer counselor when selecting general education (GE) and major preparation courses and developing your Student Educational Plan (SEP). Again, California independent colleges and university systems as well as out-of-state colleges and universities unit requirements for transfer will vary depending on the individual school.
When should I apply to a university?
Applications vary depending on the school of choice and the term you plan to transfer. The priority filing period for fall transfer to CSU is October 1 – November 30 and November 1-30 for UC. For more information and deadlines please visit the CSUMentor for the CSU application or for the UC visit the UCApply website. For application filing periods for a California independent college or university or an out-of-state school, it is best to contact the specific school for more information.
How do I apply to a university?
Most universities require you to apply using the online application. The CSU application is available at CSUMentor website and the UC application is available at the UCApply website. Most California independent college or university applications are available at the AICCU website. We recommend you attend an application workshop and have a transfer counselor review your application before you submit it. Check out our website and click on workshops link for more information on application workshops, and application reviews.
What is the best school for my major?
When comparing programs for different schools consider some of the following questions: Is the program accredited? Does the school have a graduate program? Are there a diverse number of courses to choose from within your major? Talk with faculty here, at LATTC, who teach courses related to your selected major to get ideas about schools. Also, don’t forget that the school also needs to be a good fit for you, for example: the schools physical setting, the campus size, climate, student activities and organizations. How far from home is the school? Does this campus suit my needs and personality? The UTC collaborates with other Student Services in planning field trips to different universities, so that you can begin to answer these questions. The UTC also has a variety of reference materials to assist you in your research.
What are my chances of getting accepted?
Your chances of getting accepted will depend on a variety of factors the university will take into consideration. These factors can include completion of general education (GE) and/or major preparation courses, your grade point average (GPA), and the quality of the applicant pool during the term you are applying. Other factors may include extra-curricular activities for which you have participated in, and programs such as EOPS and Puente that you have been enrolled in.
Do I need an associate’s degree to transfer?
In most cases, an associate degree is not required to transfer. However, while following the lower-division general education pattern and major preparation courses for transfer, most students might complete the requirements for an associate degree. It can be helpful in obtaining employment while working toward your bachelor degree.
As of fall 2011, in addition to the AS and AA degrees there are also AA-T and AS-T degrees, which will give you priority consideration to the CSU. Please see your counselor for more information.
What’s the difference between general education and major preparation requirements?
General education requirements are designed to expose students to a breadth of courses that broaden their knowledge and perspective as well as develop critical thinking and communication skills. This group of classes is typically required of all degree candidates regardless of their major. There are two general education patterns to choose from when you are planning on transferring: the California State University General Education (CSU GE) or the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC). The one you follow will depend on the school in which you plan to attend. Some high unit majors do not require completion of your general education pattern prior to transfer. Major preparation courses are based on the program field of study the student plans to pursue, e.g. biology, nursing, etc. Each program has specific requirements for the intended major and in some cases must be completed prior to transfer. See a transfer counselor for information regarding your major and/or visit
What is CSU GE / IGETC Certification and do I need to apply for it?
General Education (GE) certification is one way to satisfy lower division GE requirements at the California State University (CSU) and the University of California (UC) campuses, as well as a few California independent colleges and universities. In many cases, it can also enhance your chances of being accepted. Upon completion of the prescribed pattern and filing a petition, the CSUGE and/or IGETC certification will be posted to your LATTC transcript.
When you are admitted to the four-year institution, you will have your LATTC transcript sent to the appropriate university, where an evaluator will note that you have been GE certified. Upon enrollment at the four-year university and acceptance of the certification, you will no longer be required to complete any additional lower division GE course work. This saves you time and money! The Certificate of Completion for either CSU GE or IGETC requires a petition.
All you need to do is make an appointment with a counselor to complete a petition for certification. You should do this when you are enrolled in your last courses needed to complete the certification.