UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG)

Six UC campuses offer guaranteed admission to California community college students who meet specific requirements. By participating in a UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) program, you can ensure your admission to a specific campus, which offer an early review of your academic record, early admission notification, and specific guidance on major preparation and general education coursework.

The 2016-17 TAG matrix provides a list of participating campuses, eligibility criteria, and campus-specific notes. Use the ASSIST.ORG: website to identify required courses for each campus and LATTC

What are the benefits of submitting a TAG?

A TAG has many benefits. Signing and meeting the conditions of the TAG will GUARANTEE an enrollment slot for the TAG admission cycle. The TAG provides prospective students with a specific plan of action to ensure they satisfy the admissions requirements. The TAG provides the participating universities with the student's contact information and as a result, the student will have direct access to university representatives and current information pertaining to their admissions or changes they should know about. Other benefits vary, please check with specific school.

When do I submit a TAG?

To pursue a UC TAG:

  1. Read TAG conditions at your preferred University to determine initial eligibility;
  2. You may access the TAG application now, however submission will be accepted from September 1 - September 30, 2015;
  3. Students may also attend a TAG workshop and/or access our FAQs online. . You may also access their online UC campus TAG Webinar. Attendance is not required and students may submit their TAG without utilizing assistance from LATTC personnel.
  4. Create a TAP Account: What you need
    1. Reporting Academic History
    2. Obtain transcripts from ALL previous colleges/universities;
  5. Log in to the online TAG application and complete the submission process by September 30th;
  6. The academic history should MIRROR your transcripts, i.e. show all courses- non-transferable, D's, F's, W's, repeats, etc. The application can be completed and submitted online without the assistance of a counselor
  7. If you attended a TAG Workshop or utilized the online TAG tutorial, you may have your TAG application reviewed prior to submission. The TAG review sessions are held on …
  8. Apply for fall 2017 admission to the UC or TAG institution during the appropriate filing period. UC Application and personal statement workshops will be held beginning in August through November.
  9. Pay attention to the University admission timeline.

The deadline for submitting a TAG is generally one year in advance of the transfer term (e.g. If you are transferring in Fall 2017, you will submit a TAG this coming fall).

UC TAG Access Now
UC TAG submission cycle September 1 - 30
UC application period access: Beginning August 1
Submission: November 1– November 30th
CSU Application Period October 1 – November 30
UC Application Update January 1 - 31

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