New Veteran Students
The process of applying for school, obtaining benefits, determining a major, creating an academic education plan, and attending school can take some time. It's important that you follow these steps to prevent any unnecessary delay in receiving the educational entitlement.
New Student Checklist
- Apply for the GI Bill, Veterans Benefits.
- Apply to LATTC
- Apply for Financial Aid
a. Apply by submitting the FAFSA online where you will first need to obtain an FSA ID. - If you have taken coursework elsewhere please have an Official Transcript(s) sent to the Admissions & Records office at the address below (note: you cannot hand deliver your transcript, they must be sent from the other academic institution):
Los Angeles Trade-Technical College
Admissions Office
400 West Washington Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90015 - Create an Academic Educational Plan, the following items are required:
- Copy of DD214
- Certificate of Eligibility (provided by VA once you are approved for educational benefits)
- Unofficial transcripts from other institutions
- LATTC Student ID Number
6. Enroll in classes (Note: you will only be paid for courses listed on your approved VRC academic educational plan)
7. Fill out Certification Form immediately after enrolling in classes
Note: if you add or drop any classes listed on the Certification Form, please let the LATTC SCO's know at the following email: Failure to do so may result in garnished VA payments.