CalWORKs, is California’s Welfare Reform Program replacing AFDC (Assistance to Families with dependent Children). It stems from the Federal Initiative call WORKs (Work Opportunities and Responsibility to Kids), and of the prefix “Cal” is for California.

If you are receiving TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) , you qualify for CalWORKs.

GAIN, Greater Avenues to Independence, is Los Angeles County’s vehicle for delivering the CalWORKs Program. GAIN has guidelines that one must follow in order to be in compliance with Welfare-to-Work (WtW) laws. GAIN literally moves individuals from Welfare-to-Work through educational upgrades, job training, and career preparation while offering supportive services that include childcare.

A GAIN Voc participant is one who has been called into GAIN to get involved in a GAIN activity beginning with Job Club, Job Assessment and possible Training, respectively. Before any of these activities take place the participant must first sign a welfare-to-work plan.

Yes, providing you have seen a GAIN Service Worker and have signed a welfare-to-work plan. Contact the County DPSS GAIN Regional Office near you.

TANF recipients at LATTC are referred to the Campus Financial Aid Office to acquire a fee waiver for college registration. They may also qualify for other financial aid. Ask the Financial Aid counselor or associate for assistance with other financial aid matters.

A “SIP” is a Self-Initiated Participant. This is a student who started their education program before the county called them in to sign a welfare-to-work agreement.

  • Provide all required documentation
  • Sign the LATTC GAIN/CalWORKs agreement
  • Commit to passing your courses
  • Attend labs and workshops to improve your skills.
  • Keep all appointments and attend all classes and meetings
  • Inform us of any changes in your CalWORKs status, address, phone number, GAIN worker
  • Check with us before changing your academic program or adding/dropping classes
  • Meet at least once a semester for program planning and progress check toward your educational goal

Most students will have one or more on-campus placement tests. These will help us place you in the level of class that will be most comfortable and useful to you. There are many places on campus to get tutoring, such as the Learning Skills Center and Math, English, Writing and Language labs. LATTC provides study skills and subject skills classes. All of this help is free.

Presently you have 24 months to receive CalWORKs services which will change in the near future. Check with the DPSS GAIN Office to find out what support services you may still qualify.

The GAIN/CalWORKs office is located in the (Juniper Hall) Student Services building in ST-403

Yes, if you still have time remaining on your 60 month time clock and you are in good standing with the County DPSS GAIN. Call the Regional GAIN Office for more information.