EOPS has full time counselors and adjunct counselors available to assist you with any of your educational, personal and career needs.
Book Services
Students who meet all requirements will receive book services in the Fall and Spring to purchase textbooks only at LATTC's book store for courses taken at LATTC. Amount per semester varies depending on funding. Book Services may be available during the winter and summer semesters budget permitting.
Cap and Gown
EOPS purchases graduation regalia for graduating students in good standing with EOPS.
Financial Aid Application Assistance
Individual assistance and/or group application workshops are available. Financial aid and scholarship information for other colleges/ universities is provided.
Students will receive updates about the program, educational information, and other information of interest. The newsletter is distributed via email every month. We encourage students to submit articles and information for publication.
General Support
If you have a question or just need someone to talk to, stop by or make an appointment to see a counselor.
Priority Enrollment
Students who have completed all EOPS requirements by the required deadlines and are in good standing for the current semester are eligible to receive priority registration. Students with priority registration enroll during the first 3 days of registration.
Priority Registration
During the three (3) days of priority enrollment EOPS staff is available to assist students enroll in classes using the Peoplesoft system. Students must meet the following requirements to be eligible:
- Must be in good standing with EOPS and have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher
- Must have all holds cleared each semester
- (e.g. health fee, enrollment fees, financial aid holds etc.)
- Must complete mandatory LATTC OAC requirement (Assessment, orientation & counseling)
- Have no more than 90 units completed (may see a appeal with counselor)
- May register anytime on or after assigned priority date…the sooner the better
Transfer Assistance and Application Fee Waivers
EOPS provides assistance in completing applications to four-year colleges and application fee waivers to the CSU, UC, and private schools.
workshops are provided throughout the semester geared towards helping students succeed in college and life. Topics vary.
EOPS students struggling in their courses may receive a referral to online tutoring through or in person, one on one, tutoring at Academic Connections specifically for EOPS students.
Summer Bridge
Every summer, EOPS hosts a summer bridge program for incoming Freshman. The summer bridge program consists of a 3 unit counseling 20 course. Students who participate in the summer bridge program receive transportation assistance, meal tickets, and a backpack with school supplies. The purpose of the program is to acclimate new students to the campus and services offered.
Counseling Classes
EOPS offers classes specifically for EOPS students. The classes are:
- Counseling 2 – Interpersonal Relationships (CSU, 1 unit)
- Counseling 4 – Career Planning (CSU, 1 unit)
- Counseling 20 – College Success (CSU, 3 unit)
Celebration of success banquet
Every Spring semester EOPS hosts a luncheon to celebrate the successes of EOPS students. Students are acknowledged and receive a certificate at the banquet.
Field trips
EOPS offers students 2 field trips every semester to universities or cultural centers.
Transportation Assistance
Students who complete all 3 contacts the previous semester may be eligible to receive transportation assistance in the form of a U-Pass or parking permit.
New students have access to obtain a backpack containing pen, pencil, USB, highlighter, notebook, folder, agenda planner, scantrons and bluebooks.
Academic Support Program
Additional support services provided to students whose GPA falls below 2.0
Peer Mentor
EOPS students looking to receive peer to peer support can come in to meet with Peer Mentor.
All services are contingent upon program funding and completion of semester requirements.