Students Rights and Responsibilities

  • Participation in DSPS is voluntary
  • Receiving support services from DSPS does not prevent a student from participating in any other program or activity offered by the college
  • All records maintained by DSPS pertaining to students who participate in the program are confidential and protected from disclosure and are subject to all other requirements for handling of student records
  • No information or record is released from the program without the expressed written consent of the student

Students receiving academic adjustments (accommodations) and other DSPS services shall:

  • Comply with the Student Code of Conduct as stated in LACCD Board Rules
  • Be responsible in their use of DSPS services and adhere to written service policies
  • Make measurable progress toward goals developed for the course when enrolled in educational assistance classes as established in the student's Academic Accommodation Plan (AAP) or
  • Meet academic standards established by the college as applied to all students when enrolled in general college classes