Frequently Asked Questions for Students

- Are my classes cancelled?
- What if my class can’t be completed online?
- I have an appointment with my counselor, is that going to be online now?
- What do I need to know about Canvas Class for online learning?
- What should I do if I don’t have internet access and/or a computer at home?
- Are there hotlines available for technical support?
- How do I withdraw from a class?
- I am an LAUSD high school student enrolled in a Dual Enrollment class. What should I expect about my class?
- If I had accommodations in my in-person class, will I receive accommodations in my online class?
Please see PeopleSoft SIS for current course offerings. You may also check the Cancelled Classes list on the Class Schedules page for each term.
All lecture courses or lecture portion of lecture/lab courses will be online. Many labs will be offered in an online format also. For those labs that cannot be moved to an online format the faculty will contact their classes.
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Yes. Student Services departments are taking their services online. This means you will be able to access services such as creating a Student Education Plan with a counselor online, submitting online forms, and paying fees. To find your counselor please see the Online Counseling Site
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Online classes begin March 30 at all Trade Tech using Canvas for online learning. It is important that you take steps now, before March 30.
Click on”Getting Started” link
Review the online student guide for Canvas
Visit the Distance Learning webpages at your home college for additional resources.
There are also many videos available to help
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INTERNET ACCESS NEEDS- for more information: Coronavirus for Students
Charter will offer free Spectrum broadband and Wi-Fi access for 60 days to households with K-12 and/or college students who do not already have a Spectrum broadband subscription and at any service level up to 100 Mbps. To enroll call 1-844-488-8395. Installation fees will be waived for new student households.
Note: Wait times are high right now. 45min to 1.5 hours. There are other similar offers: 1.Internet Essentials by Comcast: 2.Xfinity – Wi-Fi by Comcast
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Connect with the Los Angeles Community College District Student Support Center.
For Canvas Support:
Who is it For? |
Purpose |
Phone |
Hours of Operation |
Student |
Canvas Support |
(323) 415-5313 |
Mon–Fri: 8 am–4:30 pm |
To withdraw from a class, students use the LACCD Student Portal, log in and click on the Manage Classes icon tile and select “drop classes” from the menu. Select the class, confirm and submit. Students should work with our Financial Aid Office to determine the impact of dropping classes and if repayments might be required. Students who are U.S. Veterans receiving benefits must check with their Campus Certifying Officer first. Contact information is on the student portal.
It is confirmed with LAUSD to shift all dual enrollment courses able to be offered remotely to remote delivery. This includes our middle college high schools. This shift will occur as planned with LACCD courses offered in remote delivery on March 30, 2020.
LAUSD has been working to ensure that all students have access to appropriate technology.
There are no changes in the academic calendar that will impact your dual enrollment courses. to retain credits needed for graduation.
Accommodations are mandated by federal and state law, and instructors must provide accommodations to you. If you have any concerns, please contact the DSPS office at: @email
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