LATTC Employment and Career Success Center Grand Opening
Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Please join the Employment and Career Success Center for a special grand opening celebration on Wednesday, May 3 from 10 am–3 pm on E5-303. The ribbon cutting ceremony will be at 10 am, followed by the open house until 3 pm. Light refreshments will be provided. All are welcome!
About the Center
The Employment and Career Success Center will provide a productive, collaborative and welcoming space for LATTC students to work on what they need to secure their first job in their field of study. The Center hosts a welcome desk and five cubicles for Employment Placement Specialists, who will work with students to provide services such as job exploration, resume and portfolio preparation assistance, personalized job search and job placement assistance, interview preparation and job readiness workshops. It also has a privacy booth for students who take interviews via Zoom and may not have a quite place to do them at home.
Additionally, the center will provide resources such as use of our laptop computers, printers, resume and portfolio supplies (linen paper, laminator, folders, etc.,). For students in need, the Center will provide resources such as gas cards for transportation to interviews, connections to a “closet” for interview clothing, and other assistance as needed.