Front Campus View

Labor Center

Labor Center

Leader Speaking to the Union Members and Activists

Since its inception in 1978, the Labor Center at Los Angeles Trade Technical College has motivated and trained more than 25,000 union members, activists, and leaders from unions throughout the region. They come together, earning college credit, to learn and share experiences and ideas on building their unions. These leaders have helped transform the Los Angeles Labor Movement into one of the nation's strongest and most influential voices for working families.

The list of classes offered at the Labor Center show the wide range of topics covered: Grievance and Arbitration, Strategic Bargaining, Labor Law and Political Action Techniques. These engaging and fast-paced Labor Studies classes are designed to meet the needs of working people from professional to blue collar, private and public sector. The current class schedule listings show the 3-unit evening classes and the 1-unit weekend classes offered at union halls and at Trade Tech College.

While building on their union activism and experience, students can advance their growth and careers by earning an Associate in Arts Degree or Certificate of Completion in Labor Studies. The list of exemplary Instructors and Advisory Board Members reflects the breadth of experience and expertise that helped to build the largest Labor Studies program in the country.

The Labor Center also tailors classes to meet the specialized needs of officers, staff, stewards and activists in individual unions, or councils of unions that can be held at your own union hall. These Specially Designed Classes allow union leaders and activists to earn college credit while training in union building and problem solving.

Email us at @email to request an Application/Brochure to join us for hands-on training, a foundation of knowledge and college credit, all in a spirit of union solidarity and camaraderie.

Activists Demonstrating

If you have further questions please feel free to @email or call (213) 763-7129


See Class Listings for details

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Labor Studies Programs

Male Student with a Laptop

The Community Planning program at LATTC is the only program offered at an accredited community college in the United States. Our unique program provides students the knowledge and training needed for successful employment in the field of community and economic development. The community and economic development industry focuses on revitalizing low and moderate income communities. Rebuilding the economic, physical and social infrastructure of urban communities represents a new, growing and exciting career opportunity. Students can learn basic planning knowledge, development strategies, technical skills and networks needed to enter the industry, earning a Certificate of Achievement.

The Community Planning curriculum and courses are regularly reviewed to ensure that they are relevant, industry appropriate and cutting edge. Industry experts (academic and practitioners) develop, design and teach our courses. Our industry partnerships provide critical resources for our students, providing them with invaluable employment, volunteer, internship and networking opportunities.

Our courses are structured to be laboratories (classroom and field work) that combine lecture, project driven learning and hands on application of knowledge to contemporary issues affecting communities. Community planning courses are taught during the evening/weekends on campus and in the community to provide students with the greatest range of educational opportunities.

Successful students will be able to apply a community organizing set of skills and tools that address multiple community and economic development issues. Students who complete the program become viable and competitive for employment opportunities. They will have developed their knowledge and skill base, practiced their learning through field work, internships or paid experience and have created networks and/or participated in collaborations that have maximized their knowledge with capacity to understand urgent issues and trends.

More Information

Students at Computer Lab

The Labor Center, located in MA-005, offers Labor Studies classes leading to an Associate in Arts Degree or Certificate of Achievement in Labor Studies. Classes and programs are held both on campus and off site at union halls and community organizations. Students can register online, on site in class or at the Labor Center Office.

The Labor Center maintains strong relationships with leaders of organized labor and the community, including a broad based Advisory Board. These leaders help promote participation in the Labor Studies program, and assure evaluation and feedback from the labor movement to help shape future programs. The Labor Center staff also advise Labor Studies students and prospective students, and the Center maintains a collection of labor DVDs available for free loan.

More Information

Office Hours & Location

Mondays to Fridays: 8:30AM – 4:00PM
Closed holidays and weekends

Student Support Center, D3-05


Kathleen Yasuda
Department Chairperson, Labor Studies
Email: @email
Phone: (213) 763-7129