LATTC Building

Program Preview Tiles

Automotive Program Orange Car

Automotive and Related Technology

Los Angeles’ long-time infatuation with the motorcar has made it a leading center in automotive design. Employment opportunities continue to thrive, and the demand for trained automotive technicians in the filed continues to increase. The Automotive and Related Technology program trains students to work as professionals in this field, offering instruction in maintenance, diagnosis and overhaul procedures of electrical and fuel injection systems.

By fulfilling the program requirements, students will have gained the skills necessary to maintain, repair, and diagnose electrical, fuel injection systems, and overhaul procedures, as well as basic shop practices needed to meet industry standards.

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Automotive Collision Repair

Los Angeles is a leading collision capital center in the automotive design world. Insurance companies are increasingly demanding Auto Collision Technicians trained in damage cost estimations. The demand for fully trained Automotive Repair Technicians is very high where skilled technicians are readily employable and command excellent incomes. These technicians use highly sophisticated devices, such as laser for straightening frames, computer for mixing paint, and dust control contamination vacuum tools for smoothing paint.The LATTC Automotive Collision Repair program is designed for students who want to enter this growing field. Classes are a combination of classroom instruction coupled with hands-on training. Students learn welding procedures, diagnostic and repair procedures, body part alignment processes, metal finishing/shrinking/filling techniques, auto body electrical wiring systems, body section replacement and structural sectioning practices, body damage estimating techniques, auto body construction methods, paint color application skills, and body shop practices.

Collision Repair

By fulfilling the program requirements, students are proficient in a variety of automotive collision techniques and will have the knowledge and skills necessary to maintain, repair, and diagnose body and fender repairs. They will be proficient at all aspects of preparation and painting, including computerized mixing and matching, damage estimation, creating computerized reports and digital imaging. Students who complete this degree will be able to perform jobs as estimators, service managers equipped to repair problems occurring in automotive collision systems.

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Electronics Communications

Electronics Communications

​This program covers, circuit analysis of several complete FM systems. By completing the certificate and/or degree, students will be able to pass the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Examination. In addition, by fulfilling the program requirements, students are proficient in the operation of AM/FM Transmitters and can trouble shoot AM/FM Receivers as well as install C Band, K/U Band, and digital satellites systems (DSS). Students will also have an understating of cordless phones, microwave receivers/transmitters, and cell phone systems

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Heavy Duty Truck, Transit, and Equipment

If you live in the United States, almost every single thing you eat, wear or use has been transported by diesel powered vehicles and alternative/green power plants.

New EPA/CARB regulations have impacted the fuel technology and energy source/design used. Trucks, trains, buses and many other medium and heavy duty vehicles have evolved to match today’s more stringent clean air emission standards. Graduates of the Diesel Technology program are well paid and have a diverse choice of areas in which to specialize. In recent years, the demand from local employers has exceeded our supply of qualified graduates as the program continues to grow.

Yellow Truck

After successful completion of the program requirements, students will become proficient in all aspects of diesel engine fundamentals, electrical components, fuel systems, overhaul procedures, air brake system and the construction and operation of diesel engines.

Contract and Continued Training
In addition to our regular curriculum, we offer contract education and continued training for journey level technicians who wish to update their skills in the latest technology available. These additional classes include Periodic Smoke Inspection Certification, Southern California Regional Transit Training Consortium classes, and Eaton Transmission Factory Certified Training.

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Electric Vehicle Charging

Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Technology

The courses listed in this certificate compile a comprehensive list of job-related skills needed to acquire hybrid and electric plug-in vehicle maintenance and repair technical skills. They cover basic, intermediate and advanced level training of these vehicles including the different configurations used in the automotive, transit and trucking industries. These skills will prepare an individual for entry-level employment or career advancement in the maintenance and repair of hybrid vehicles in all sectors of the transportation industry.

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Machine Shop drill

Machine Shop: CNC

LATTC offers an Associate in Science degree in Machine Shop CNC as well as a Certificate of Achievement.The Associate in Science degree and Certificate of Achievement, is designed for individuals seeking entry level positions in the field. Students enrolling in this program should be able to commit to full-time student status, which is approximately 21 hours per week. This time commitment is necessary to allow for hands-on training in the lab applications used during the course of instruction.By fulfilling the program requirements, students will have the necessary knowledge and skills for a career in the Machining Industry. Students will properly use related terminology, safely set-up and operate numerous conventional and computer numerically controlled (CNC) machine tools, use computers to program various CNC machines directly or with Computer Assisted Machinery (CAM), and interpret most related parts and assembly drawings.

The general education component classes will give the student a well rounded education and provide knowledge and skills to assist in successful participation in all aspects of society.


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Information Technology


Information Technology
(IT Networking)

Students can acquire the basic skills and knowledge to earn the Information Technology Associate in Science Degree / Certificate of Achievement. This program will not only prepare students for an award, but will also prepare them for the A+ Certification exam, and help them prepare for the Cisco Certified Networking Associate (CCNA).

By fulfilling the program requirements, students are able to format a computer, install the operating system, and install all the necessary drivers. Students will be able to successfully configure and create a network system consisting of a number of computers all for employment in a field related to microcomputer technician.

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Motorcycle Repair Mechanics

The Certificate of Achievement in Motorcycle Repair is designed for both new students as well as industry professionals who want to upgrade their skills and show validation of technology training.

Courses leading to the Certificate are offered during evenings and on weekends. Upon completion of the program, students will have the skills necessary to maintain, repair, and diagnose electrical and fuel induction systems, and will be proficient in tune-up overhaul procedures and basic shop practices.

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Rail Vehicle Maintenance

For many of us, it is obvious how the US transportation system affects our daily lives as we move from one place to another and rely on the system to transport items we purchase and use on a daily basis—particularly through rail transportation. In the Los Angeles region, rail transportation supports the largest container port complex in the U.S., 9th largest in the world, and the 3rd largest transit agency in the U.S. where nearly 1/5th of transit trips in the region are by commuter, light, or heavy rail. A career in rail transportation, as a rail mechanic, provides an opportunity to work within large rail companies and transportation agencies providing competitive wages, health and retirement benefits, and opportunities for career advancement. Employment at these companies/agencies often requires starting within entry positions and advancing through promotional opportunities. Because nearly half of the workforce will be eligible to retire within the next 10 years, employment outlook and career advance opportunities are promising.

Program completers will also have the requisite competencies to be employed as Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Worker Helpers and Machinery Maintenance Workers that also provide many employment opportunities.

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