Internships/Cood Ed FAQs

What is Cooperative Work Experience Education (CWEE or Coop Ed)?
Coop Ed combines on-the-job experience with limited classroom instruction allowing students to gain college credit for work-based learning.

How do I qualify?
LATTC students must be working, interning, or volunteering during the semester enrolled in Coop Ed; work may be paid or unpaid.

How many hours of work are required for college credit awarded?

  • Each 75 hours of PAID work equals one semester credit awarded
  • Each 60 hours of NON-PAID work equals one semester credit awarded
75 hours/unit
75 hours 150 hours 225 hours 300 hours
NONPAID WORK 60 hours/unit 60 hours 120 hours 180 hours 240 hours

*These are total work hours calculated throughout the entire semester

Should I enroll in Coop Ed 395 (General Work Experience) or Coop Ed 941 (Occupational Work Experience)?

  • General Work Experience Education is supervised employment, which is intended to assist students in acquiring desirable work habits, attitudes and career awareness. The work experience need not be related to the students' educational goals (i.e. career path/major program of study).
  • Occupational Work Experience Education is supervised employment extending classroom based occupational learning at an on-the-job learning station relating to the students' educational or occupational goal (i.e. career path/major program of study).

Are the units transferrable? Yes.

CoopEd/CWEE units are transferrable to the California State Universities (please consult with your academic counselor).

Can I Repeat the Course? Yes.

  • General Coop Ed courses may be repeated for a maximum of 6 total units.
  • Occupational Coop Ed courses may be repeated for a maximum of 16 total units.

How do I begin?

  • For General Work Experience, students may enroll in the on-line schedule listed under Cooperative Education similar to enrollment for regular classes (i.e. Coop Ed 195, Coop Ed 295, Coop Ed 395).
  • For Occupational Work Experience, courses are listed under the program of study for enrollment into the 941 series (i.e. Business 941, Child Development 941, Management 941, Fashion Design 941, Auto 941, Plumbing 941, etc.).