



Cosmetology is the study and practice of professional care of the hair, skin and nails. The LATTC Cosmetology program offers training in hair styling and cutting; chemical treatments, including hair coloring and lightening, permanent waving, hair straightening, hair cutting with clippers, razor, shears; skin care, and nail care. The Cosmetology occupation is governed by stringent state laws which stipulate that all who enter the field must complete 1600 hours of instruction. The LATTC Cosmetology program is carefully designed to prepare students to pass the California State Board of Barbering and Cosmetology examination. This program integrates a mock state board exam to help familiarize the students with the examination procedures. By fulfilling the program requirements, students will have the knowledge and skills needed to successfully compete in the Beauty industry as stylists, salon managers, educators, make-up artists (both conventional and theatrical), product sales, manicurists, and business owners.

Important Notes: All hours and operations on time cards are kept for five years per state requirements.

Please note regarding transfer hours: Transfer students with more than 300 hours from another Cosmetology program who have not received college level units from an accredited institution may not transfer into Los Angeles Trade Technical College. However, students who cannot transfer hours can start the LATTC Cosmetology program at the freshman level.

Cosmetology PDF



Main Contacts
Lidia Ley, Department Chair
Office Location
School of Cosmetology, B2-241
Office Hours
Area Of Study (AOS)
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Cosmetology AA C

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Cosmetology Student Wearing a Pink Dress

Program Details

Award Title Award Type Required Course Units Total Major Units GE Units
Cosmetology AA 48 48 21
Cosmetology C 48 48  

Cosmetology Social Media
