Industrial Safety, Regulatory and Biomanufacturing

LATTC Building View in the Day

Program Overview

The Industrial Safety, Regulatory and Biomanufacturing certificate of achievement is designed to prepare students for employment in the industrial safety and regulatory industry. By fulfilling the program requirements, students will have a basic understanding of Industrial Safety and Regulatory concerns, as well as knowledge of the career paths available in the Applied Sciences and Manufacturing. Building upon this certificate, students have the option of continuing their coursework to complete a certificate or Associates Degree in Chemical Technology, Process Technology or Biotechnology (Biomanufacturing).

Industrial Safety, Regulatory and Biomanufacturing PDF

Dr. Artemio Navarro
Pathway Chairperson, Applied Sciences
Office Location
School of Applied Sciences, C4-405
Office Hours
Monday–Thursday: 7:30 am–4 pm
Friday: 7:30 am–2 pm
Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays: Closed


Applied Sciences Pathway

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Men Working in an Instalation
Teacher Doing Some Exercise

Program Details

Award Title Award Type Required Course Units Total Major Units GE
Industrial Safety, Regulatory and Biomanufacturing C - 11 -