Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Technology

The courses listed in this certificate compile a comprehensive list of job-related skills needed to acquire hybrid and electric vehicle maintenance and repair technical skills. They cover basic, intermediate and advanced level training of these vehicles including the different configurations used in the automotive, transit and trucking industries. These skills will prepare an individual for entry-level employment or career advancement in the maintenance and repair of hybrid vehicles in all sectors of the transportation industry.
Area of Study | Transfer Degree | Degree | Certificate | Skill Certificate |
Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Technology | C |
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Upon completion of the Degree/Certificate program, students are able to:
- Identify alternative fuel and hybrid vehicles and explain their operation and related safety repair procedures.
- Safely remove and replace various hybrid and plug-in electric vehicle components using specialty tools and equipment according to manufacturer and industry safety guidelines.
Program Details
Award Title | Award Type | Required Course Units | Total Major Units | GE Units |
Hybrid & Electric Plug-In Vehicle Technology | C | 14 | 14 |