CAOT - Administrative Assistant


The Computer Applications and Office Technologies (CAOT) degree and certificate programs are designed to provide students with administrative and clerical competency skills required for employment in a variety of areas, such as business and industry, government agencies, schools, and hospitals. The degree and certificate options are designed to meet the varying needs of a wide spectrum of students, including those seeking:

  • Associate in Arts degree(s)
  • Certificate(s) that are specific to a discipline or area
  • Entry into the job market
  • Advanced training and/or retraining
  • Lifelong learning

By fulfilling the program requirements, students are prepared for entry level positions, promotion, and career advancement in a variety of office occupations. Students will be proficient in the use of software application programs such as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, and Internet research.

Phone: (213) 763-5554
Email: @email

CAOT - Administrative Assistant PDF


Main Contacts
R Maina, Department Chair
Office Location
School of Business and Civic Engagement, C4-203-D1
Office Hours
Area Of Study (AOS)
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Computer App & Office Tech: Administrative Assistant AA C

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Male Student with Glasses

Program Details

Award Title Award Type Required Course Units Total Major Units GE Units
CAOT: Administrative Assistant AA 31 43 21
CAOT: Administrative Assistant C 22 31