Biotechnology (Biomanufacturing)

Program Overview

The LATTC Biotechnology Certificate/AS Degree Program is designed to meet the needs of students who wish to acquire the necessary skills in a biotechnology career with an emphasis in biomanufacturing. This program also suits the needs of transfer students who wish to complete their first two years of education in a community college.

Biotechnology is a changing industry that applies science and technologies to living organisms through the process of discovering, developing, manufacturing, and regulating quality of new products. Biotechnology applies to agriculture, human health and medicine, energy and environment. Biotechnology workers are employed in many industries, including, pharmaceutical and medical manufacturing; instrument, equipment and supplies manufacturing; scientific and technical consulting services; scientific and research development services; education; laboratories and government.

Our Biotechnology AS Degree Program focuses on biomanufacturing which directly serves pharmaceutical and medical manufacturing, but also other sectors such as food and agricultural sciences, green technology, and various science-related industries.

Our Biotechnology AS Degree Program focuses on biomanufacturing which directly serves pharmaceutical and medical manufacturing, but also other sectors such as food and agricultural sciences, green technology, and various science-related industries.

  • Biomanufacturing
  • Biotechnology
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Food Science Technicians
  • Pharmaceuticals.

Biotechnology (Biomanufacturing) PDF


Dr. Artemio Navarro
Pathway Chairperson, Applied Sciences
(213) 763-7295
Office Location
School of Applied Sciences, C4-405
Office Hours
Monday–Thursday: 7:30 am–4 pm
Friday: 7:30 am–2 pm
Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays: Closed


Applied Sciences Pathway

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Chemical Technology Class

Program Details

Award Title Award Type Required Course Units Total Major Units GE Units
Biotechnology (Biomanufacturing) AS 34 34 21
Biotechnology (Biomanufacturing) C 34 34