Institutional Effectiveness
The mission of the office of Institutional Effectiveness (IE) is to ensure LATTC plans, develops, implements, assesses, and holds itself accountable for activities, policies, and practices that are evidence-based, effective, promote excellence, and enhance student success.
The work of the office can be classified into three main branches:
Information Resource: Provides systematic internal and external reports to the college community on institutional key indicators in a timely and comprehensive manner. IE provides timely and accurate information to outside entities, including statutory and regulatory reports and surveys.
Process Development and Monitoring: Provides leadership and support for the process of program review, institutional planning, and accreditation processes, student learning and service area outcomes development & assessment processes, as well as help to prepare and carry out institutional days of dialogue.
Research Resource: Works with all instructional, administrative, and student services division requests for summative information and support their research needs ensuring that the requests receive appropriate and accurate information in a timely and efficient manner.
Additional resources are available on the Institutional Effectiveness SharePoint site.
(LACCD credentials required)
Please e-mail @email if you are interested in conducting research at our College. LATTC employees and students, as well as external researchers, may be permitted to conduct research, providing that their research meets our established standard of integrity, aligns with LATTC’s mission and vision, and demonstrates a clear benefit to the College.
You may also e-mail the Los Angeles Community College District Institutional Review Board (LACCD IRB) at @email if you are interested in conducting research at other LACCD Colleges or Districtwide.